
Our references

Aargauische Kantonalbank, Aarau

Aargauische Kantonalbank, Aarau
Webdesign and a movie presentation for a annual management-meeting

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

AMAG Import 

Group Service/Service Marketing, Schinznach-Bad

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

Development and implementation corporate indentity design for special all-brands-service-projects as «Unfall Spezialist» or «Clever Repair»design and implementation for product-brochures, advertising campaigns, posters, various advertisements, mailings, screens for digital pictures frames, various give-aways, etc.

American Express, Zürich

Periodic invoice supplements brochures, various advertisements and video clips

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

Avis Fleet Services, GE Capital, Glattbrugg
Sales brochure and design concept for the website

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

Baudepartement des Kantons Aargau 
Environment brochure

Brönnimann AG, Derendingen
New design for corporate identity, incl. design concept for letterheads, couverts, business cards, concept and design for the website www.broennimann-ag.ch

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

Castrol (Switzerland) AG, Cham
Various product brochures, posters, advertising campaigns, design of competitions (incl. participant cards and dispenser), invitations for geneva international motor show, design of castrol product packages

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

Cineburg (Openair-Kino-Event auf Schloss Lenzburg)
Design for corporate identity, various event brochures, posters, advertising campaign incl. media plan, various design adjustments for the website and other cineburg event products

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

The 4you Network AG, Zurich
Design and concept marketing-/communication plan 2016/2017,

design and production: CI-manual, image-leaflet, homepage, fact-sheets, digital mailingcards and partner presentation-video

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

Mettler Seifen AG, Hornussen
Various product brochures, posters, corporate design for various packaging and packing for shower gels, hair care products, children bath and car wash products, design concept for the website

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

H-Informatik (Kantonspital), Aarau
New design concept for the corporate identity, various product brochures, image brochure, job advertisements and exhibition stand for «ifas» Zurich

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

Jaguar Schweiz AG, Safenwil
Sales promotion brochure

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

J.H.Keller AG, Zürich 
Various advertisements and poster campaigns, incl. media planning and media insertions

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

Jugendheim Schenkung Dapples, Zürich
Brochure and invitations cards for the 75th anniversary

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

Kanton Aargau, Amt für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, AWA, Aarau
Concept and implementation (incl. illustrations- and photography- artworks) for the periodic brochure «Arbeitswelt»

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

Miele (Schweiz) AG, Spreitenbach
Various advertisings and product brochure

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

Nenniger + Steiner GmbH, Derendingen
New design for corporate identity, incl. design concept for letterheads, couverts, business cards, website (http://www.nennigersteiner.ch) and image brochure

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

Planungsverband Region Aarau
New design for corporate identity, incl. design concept for businesspapers and website

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

ROBURIS Consulting GmbH, Buchs
New design for corporate identity, incl. design concept for businesspapers, website and relaunch-mailingcard

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

Rollstar AG, Egliswil
Image brochure and company presentation movie for exhibiton stand

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

ROMAY AG, Oberkulm
Product mailings

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

Subaru Schweiz AG, Safenwil
Various brochures for accessories, sales promotion and customer contact prospectus

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design

Stiftung Wendepunkt, Muhen
Periodic brochures and annual reports , various product leaflets, design concept for the website, christmas cards and photography works

… and others more

Zubler & Partner Marketing & Design
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